Rehabilitation Plan for degraded land on landslides in the wider area of Topčić Polje

Origin of funding:
Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name of client:
Environmental Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Start date:
End date:
Project value:
40,000.00 BAM
Proportion carried out by FEA:
Topčić Polje settlement in Zenica-Doboj Canton was impacted by huge floods in May 2014. Three local streams (Ciganski potok, Baretnjak and Starinska Rijeka) brought huge amounts of flood material and almost covered the whole settlement.
On certain spots, deposits of flood material reached roofs of houses. Local roads and railroads were completely covered and the main road M-17 near Topčić Polje was seriously endangered. In the background of all these floods, huge landslides were activated immediately above the settlement, which, with a layer of material up to a few meters in height, filled the streams and contributed to the creation of devastating flash floods which ruined the local roads.
Visual assessment of the landslide area, determined on the basis of engineering-geological prospection was app. 175,600 m2 or 17.56 ha.
Project provided a planned approach in solving the problem of remediation of degraded land in the area of Topčić Polje and preventing the activation of existing landslides, as well as the creation of new ones.
That meant providing technical solutions for landslide rehabilitation and biological stabilization of the degraded land by autochthonous species appropriate to the given area.
Project resulted in:
Current state analysis of Topčić Polje wider area
Agro-pedological analysis of soil and expert opinion
Suggestions for biological recultivation
Rehabilitation plan for degraded land on landslides in the wider area of Topčić Polje.